Computer & Network Security

What is Network Security?

Network security consists of the provisions made in an underlying computer network infrastructure, policies adopted by the network administrator to protect the network and the network-accessible resources from unauthorized access and consistent and continuous monitoring and measurement of its effectiveness (or lack) combined together - From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

image of chain and keyboradFor any business whether based in a large complex or small office should ensure that "Computer and Network Security" is the number one priority. All computers that are stand alone or are networked are susceptible to attacks from hackers, crackers, malicious software & programs and just about anyone with a desire to try and infiltrate your computer system. In fact the only safe computer or network is one which is disconnected.

At IT Service Team we can secure your computer network by deciding which security products can work with your networked system. IT Service Team ensure that all security issues and solutions are fully up to date and tested. We also ensure that every system we maintain is

Give IT Service Team a call today to have one of our Computer and Network Security experts check your computer networks and systems today.

CopmpTIA Network Certified.  CompTIA Security certified.

Oneforce professional

IT Certified

Microsoft Certification - Training and resources designed to help you develop the skills necessary to succeed in the IT industry.

HP Certified - HP Certified Professional Program.

Apple Certified - Apple Certification Programs.

CompTIA CompTIA - The Computing Technology Industry Association.

Global Knowledge - IT Training & Business Training Courses.

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